Ask Me # 1, Always write for the audience, Using AP Style, Discussion grading

Our first “Ask Me” session seemed useful. Here’s a link to the 30-minute video and a quick summary.

Week 1 assignments included what amounts to two bios with one big difference. In the Discussion Hall, I had you introduce yourselves and describe what you hope to get out of this class. A2 called for short bios that will be published along with your stories. The difference is audience. 

Classmates may be interested, and I certainly am, in your background in writing and what brought you into the classroom. Readers of your published work are interested in your expertise in a given subject. That’s important establishing credibility. Each requires a different approach.


KaLynn who works in communications said she finds it useful to go through the Stylebook a section or two at a time. The main thing, I always say, is learning to use it as a quick reference book. That means familiarizing yourself with key categories, such as titles and capitalization. When in doubt use the tools, including Googling “AP Style & temperature, or military titles, whatever you are checking.

If you do plunge into reading sections, say, by the letter. Underline, circle or put a star by anything you found surprising, or worth double checking in the future.


Discussion 1 expectations: Bottom line, reply to the weekly prompt. And I highly advise reading through classmates posts. This isn’t meant to be a chore. From my perspective, these discussions are focused on news writing concepts related to modules and/ supporting current assignments.      





About Brian ODonoghue

Alaska journalist. Accidental professor. Muckraker. Recovering dog musher. Proud pop of Rory, Robin & Rachel.