D4: Let’s discuss story ideas

Story ideas are the coin of the realm in journalism. What are you or your friends curious about? How about comparing UAF coach salaries with those of rival schools? Is tuition at this school still a good deal when you include student fees? What the rage among gamers on campus? This class is your license to get answers. Late this spring a former student accused of murdering a young woman in  Bartlett Hall is due Continue reading D4: Let’s discuss story ideas

D3 Watson’s meltdown: Benchmark Lessons

Is there a story worth telling in the A1 benchmark assignment?

That’s the first thing to consider reading the trooper’s account of Wanda Watson’s latest mishap. Is there anything readers need to know. If not, what will they find most interesting? That’s the news writer’s starting point. Continue reading D3 Watson’s meltdown: Benchmark Lessons

Discussion 2: AP Stylebook is your friend

The writer faces many choices constructing any every sentence readers. How formal should language be? How are addresses presented. Should numerals or words be used describing ages? For clarity and swift comprehension, many publications settle such nettlesome everyday questions with stylebooks. AP Stylebook is the industry standard.

Continue reading Discussion 2: AP Stylebook is your friend

Discussion1: Staff meeting

Globe Spotlight Team

The best news organizations pull together like teams. For this week’s discussion: –What do you hope to get out of this course? –Have you ever been published? Worked on a school newspaper? Kept a journal? Or written fiction? Click on the Staff Meeting title to open the full post. Then share your goals for this course using the “Reply” button found below previous D1 comments.